A Node that can display an Android View
This node contains a View for the rendering engine to render.
Manages a FrameLayout that is attached directly to a WindowManager that other views can be added and removed from.
To render a View, the View must be attached to a WindowManager so that it can be properly drawn. This class encapsulates a FrameLayout that is attached to a WindowManager that other views can be added to as children. This allows us to safely and correctly draw the View associated with a Entity and a MaterialInstance while keeping them isolated from the rest of the activities View hierarchy.
Additionally, this manages the lifecycle of the window to help ensure that the window is added/removed from the WindowManager at the appropriate times.
True to disable all lights influences on the rendered view
Inverts the winding order of front faces. Inverting the winding order of front faces is useful when rendering mirrored reflections (water, mirror surfaces, front camera in AR, etc.). True to invert front faces, false otherwise
Set the Jetpack Compose UI content for this view. Initial composition will occur when the view becomes attached to a window or when createComposition is called, whichever comes first.
Used to render an Android view to a native open GL texture that can then be rendered by Filament.
Changes the bounding box used for frustum culling.
The shape to used to detect collisions for this Node.
Retrieves the set of enabled attribute slots in the given primitive's VertexBuffer.
Changes whether or not the renderable casts shadows.
Changes whether or not the renderable can receive shadows.
The node can be selected when a touch event happened.
Changes the material instance binding for the first primitive.
Changes the material instance binding for the given primitive.
Gets the morph target count on a renderable.
Gets the immutable number of primitives in the given renderable.
Quaternion rotation.
The smooth position, rotation and scale speed.
World-space position.
The world-space quaternion.
World-space rotation.
World-space scale.
Transform from the world coordinate system to the coordinate system of this node.
World transform of a transform component (i.e. relative to the root).
Returns whether a light channel is enabled on a specified renderable
Converts a position in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a quaternion in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a rotation in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a scale in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a transform in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a node transform in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Creates a MaterialInstance Java wrapper object for a particular material instance.
Converts a position in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a quaternion in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a rotation in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a scale in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a transform in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a node transform in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Rotates the node to face a point in world-space.
Rotates the node to face another node.
Responds to moving events for a gesture in progress
Responds to the beginning of a moving gesture
Responds to the end of a move gesture
Responds to rotating events for a gesture in progress.
Responds to the beginning of a scaling gesture.
Responds to the end of a scale gesture.
Responds to scaling events for a gesture in progress.
Responds to the beginning of a scaling gesture. Reported by new pointers going down.
Responds to the end of a scale gesture. Reported by existing pointers going up.
The transformation (position, rotation or scale) of the Node has changed.
The transformation (position, rotation or scale) of the Node has changed.
Tests to see if this node collision shape overlaps the collision shape of any other nodes in the scene using Node.collisionShape.
Tests to see if a node is overlapping any other nodes within the scene using Node.collisionShape.
Changes the drawing order for blended primitives.
Changes the drawing order for blended primitives. The drawing order is either global or local (default) to this Renderable.
Changes whether or not frustum culling is on.
Changes the geometry for the given renderable instance.
Changes whether the blend order is global or local to this Renderable (by default)
Changes whether the blend order is global or local to this Renderable (by default)
Changes the visibility bits.
Changes the visibility.
Enables or disables a light channel.
Changes the material instance binding for the given primitive.
Changes the material instance binding for all primitives.
Utility method to change morph target buffer for the given primitive.
Changes the morph target buffer for the given primitive.
Updates the vertex morphing weights on a renderable, all zeroes by default.
Changes the coarse-level draw ordering.
Changes whether or not the renderable can use screen-space contact shadows.
Associates a SkinningBuffer to a renderable instance.
Change the node transform.
Change the node world transform.