Represents a virtual camera, which determines the perspective through which the scene is viewed.
All other functionality in Node is supported. You can access the position and rotation of the camera, assign a collision shape to it, or add children to it. Disabling the camera turns off rendering.
The shape to used to detect collisions for this Node.
Gets the distance to the far plane
Retrieves the camera's culling matrix. The culling matrix is the same as the projection matrix, except the far plane is finite.
Gets the focal length in meters
The distance from the camera to the focus plane in world units
Retrieves the camera forward unit vector in world space, that is a unit vector that points in the direction the camera is looking at.
The node can be selected when a touch event happened.
Retrieves the camera left unit vector in world space, that is a unit vector that points to the left of the camera.
The camera's model matrix.
Retrieves the camera's projection matrix. The projection matrix used for rendering always has its far plane set to infinity. This is why it may differ from the matrix set through setProjection() or setLensProjection().
Quaternion rotation.
Gets the sensitivity in ISO
Gets the shutter speed in seconds
The smooth position, rotation and scale speed.
Retrieves the camera up unit vector in world space, that is a unit vector that points up with respect to the camera.
Retrieves the camera's view matrix. The view matrix is the inverse of the model matrix.
World-space position.
The world-space quaternion.
World-space rotation.
World-space scale.
Transform from the world coordinate system to the coordinate system of this node.
World transform of a transform component (i.e. relative to the root).
Converts a position in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a quaternion in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a rotation in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a scale in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a transform in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a node transform in the world-space to a local-space of this node.
Converts a position in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a quaternion in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a rotation in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a scale in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a transform in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Converts a node transform in the local-space of this node to world-space.
Tests to see if a ray starting from the screen/camera position is hitting any nodes within the scene and returns a list of HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
Tests to see if a ray is hitting any nodes within the scene and returns a list of HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
Tests to see if a ray starting from the screen/camera position is hitting any nodes within the scene and returns a list of HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
Sets the camera's model matrix.
Rotates the node to face a point in world-space.
Rotates the node to face another node.
Responds to moving events for a gesture in progress
Responds to the beginning of a moving gesture
Responds to the end of a move gesture
Responds to rotating events for a gesture in progress.
Responds to the beginning of a scaling gesture.
Responds to the end of a scale gesture.
Responds to scaling events for a gesture in progress.
Responds to the beginning of a scaling gesture. Reported by new pointers going down.
Responds to the end of a scale gesture. Reported by existing pointers going up.
The transformation (position, rotation or scale) of the Node has changed.
The transformation (position, rotation or scale) of the Node has changed.
Tests to see if this node collision shape overlaps the collision shape of any other nodes in the scene using Node.collisionShape.
Tests to see if a node is overlapping any other nodes within the scene using Node.collisionShape.
Calculates a ray in world space going from the near-plane of the camera and going through a point in screen space.
Sets a custom projection matrix.
Sets this camera's exposure directly. Calling this method will set the aperture to 1.0, the shutter speed to 1.2 and the sensitivity will be computed to match the requested exposure (for a desired exposure of 1.0, the sensitivity will be set to 100 ISO).
Sets this camera's exposure (default is f/16, 1/125s, 100 ISO)
Sets the projection matrix from the focal length.
Sets the projection matrix from the field-of-view.
Sets the projection matrix from a frustum defined by six planes.
Sets an additional matrix that scales the projection matrix.
Change the node transform.
Sets the projection matrix from the focal length.
Get a world space position from a view space position.
Convert a point from world space into screen space.
Get a view space position from a world position.
Change the node world transform.