Package-level declarations


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class ARCore(val onSessionCreated: (session: Session) -> Unit, val onSessionResumed: (session: Session) -> Unit, val onSessionPaused: (session: Session) -> Unit, val onArSessionFailed: (Exception) -> Unit, val onSessionConfigChanged: (session: Session, config: Config) -> Unit)

Manages an ARCore Session using the Android Lifecycle API. Before starting a Session, this class requests installation of Google Play Services for AR if it's not installed or not up to date and asks the user for required permissions if necessary.

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open class ARSceneView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0, defStyleRes: Int = 0, sharedActivity: ComponentActivity? = null, sharedLifecycle: Lifecycle? = null, sharedEngine: Engine? = null, sharedModelLoader: ModelLoader? = null, sharedMaterialLoader: MaterialLoader? = null, sharedEnvironmentLoader: EnvironmentLoader? = null, sharedScene: Scene? = null, sharedView: View? = null, sharedRenderer: Renderer? = null, sharedCameraNode: ARCameraNode? = null, sharedMainLightNode: LightNode? = null, sharedEnvironment: Environment? = null, isOpaque: Boolean = true, sharedCollisionSystem: CollisionSystem? = null, sharedCameraStream: ARCameraStream? = null, val sessionFeatures: Set<Session.Feature> = setOf(), val sessionCameraConfig: (Session) -> CameraConfig? = null, sessionConfiguration: (session: Session, Config) -> Unit? = null, viewNodeWindowManager: ViewNode.WindowManager? = null, var onSessionCreated: (session: Session) -> Unit? = null, var onSessionResumed: (session: Session) -> Unit? = null, var onSessionPaused: (session: Session) -> Unit? = null, var onSessionFailed: (Exception) -> Unit? = null, var onTrackingFailureChanged: (trackingFailureReason: TrackingFailureReason?) -> Unit? = null, onGestureListener: GestureDetector.OnGestureListener? = null, onTouchEvent: (e: MotionEvent, hitResult: HitResult?) -> Boolean? = null, var onSessionUpdated: (session: Session, frame: Frame) -> Unit? = null) : SceneView

A SurfaceView that integrates with ARCore and renders a scene

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open class BaseArFragment
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Renders a single ARCore Plane.
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class Scene

= SceneView/ARSceneView is a Scene (NodeParent) that can contain


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place models

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var Node.localPosition: Float3
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var Node.localRotation: Float3
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var Node.localScale: Float3


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fun ARScene(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, engine: Engine = rememberEngine(), modelLoader: ModelLoader = rememberModelLoader(engine), materialLoader: MaterialLoader = rememberMaterialLoader(engine), environmentLoader: EnvironmentLoader = rememberEnvironmentLoader(engine), sessionFeatures: Set<Session.Feature> = setOf(), sessionCameraConfig: (Session) -> CameraConfig? = null, sessionConfiguration: (session: Session, Config) -> Unit? = null, planeRenderer: Boolean = true, cameraStream: ARCameraStream? = rememberARCameraStream(materialLoader), view: View = rememberView(engine), isOpaque: Boolean = true, renderer: Renderer = rememberRenderer(engine), scene: Scene = rememberScene(engine), environment: Environment = rememberAREnvironment(engine), mainLightNode: LightNode? = rememberMainLightNode(engine), cameraNode: ARCameraNode = rememberARCameraNode(engine), childNodes: List<Node> = rememberNodes(), collisionSystem: CollisionSystem = rememberCollisionSystem(view), viewNodeWindowManager: ViewNode.WindowManager? = null, onSessionCreated: (session: Session) -> Unit? = null, onSessionResumed: (session: Session) -> Unit? = null, onSessionPaused: (session: Session) -> Unit? = null, onSessionFailed: (Exception) -> Unit? = null, onSessionUpdated: (session: Session, frame: Frame) -> Unit? = null, onTrackingFailureChanged: (trackingFailureReason: TrackingFailureReason?) -> Unit? = null, onGestureListener: GestureDetector.OnGestureListener? = rememberOnGestureListener(), onTouchEvent: (e: MotionEvent, hitResult: HitResult?) -> Boolean? = null, activity: ComponentActivity? = LocalContext.current as? ComponentActivity, lifecycle: Lifecycle = LocalLifecycleOwner.current.lifecycle, onViewUpdated: ARSceneView.() -> Unit? = null, onViewCreated: ARSceneView.() -> Unit? = null)
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fun Session.configure(config: Config): Nothing?
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fun Session.getConfig(): Config
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fun TrackingFailureReason.getDescription(context: Context): String
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= SceneView/ARSceneView is a Scene (NodeParent) that can contain

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fun Node.onUpdated(node: Node, frameTime: Long): Nothing?
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fun rememberARCameraNode(engine: Engine, creator: () -> ARCameraNode = { ARSceneView.createARCameraNode(engine) }): ARCameraNode
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fun rememberARCameraStream(materialLoader: MaterialLoader, creator: () -> ARCameraStream = { ARSceneView.createARCameraStream(materialLoader) }): ARCameraStream
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fun rememberAREnvironment(engine: Engine, apply: Environment.() -> Unit = {}): Environment