Package-level declarations


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class ARSession(context: Context, features: Set<Session.Feature> = setOf(), val onResumed: (session: Session) -> Unit, val onPaused: (session: Session) -> Unit, val onConfigChanged: (session: Session, config: Config) -> Unit) : Session


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val AugmentedImage.isTracking: Boolean
val Trackable.isTracking: Boolean

val Camera.isTracking: Boolean

Keep the screen unlocked while tracking, but allow it to lock when tracking stops.

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val Pose.position: Position
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val Pose.quaternion: Quaternion
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val Pose.rotation: Rotation
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val GeospatialPose.transform: Transform
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fun Config.addAugmentedImage(session: Session, name: String, bitmap: Bitmap, widthInMeters: Float? = null)

Adds a single named image with known physical size to the augmented image database from an Android bitmap, with a specified physical width in meters.

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fun Session.canHostCloudAnchor(cameraNode: ARCameraNode): Boolean
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fun Session.configure(config: (Config) -> Unit)

Define the session config used by ARCore

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fun Earth.createAnchor(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, altitude: Double, rotation: Rotation): Anchor
fun Earth.createAnchor(latitude: Double, longitude: Double, altitude: Double, quaternion: Quaternion): Anchor
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fun HitResult.createAnchorOrNull(): Anchor?

Creates a new anchor at the hit location.

fun Trackable.createAnchorOrNull(pose: Pose): Anchor?

Creates an anchor that is attached to this trackable, using the given initial pose in the world coordinate space. The type of trackable will determine the semantics of attachment and how the anchor's pose will be updated to maintain this relationship. Note that the relative offset between the pose of multiple anchors attached to a trackable may adjust slightly over time as ARCore updates its model of the world.

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fun Pose.distanceTo(other: Pose): Float

Calculate the normal distance from this to the other.

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fun Pose.distanceToPlane(cameraPose: Pose): Float

Calculate the normal distance to plane from camera Pose

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fun List<HitResult>.filterTypes(planeTypes: Set<Plane.Type> = setOf(), point: Boolean = false, depthPoint: Boolean = false, instantPlacementPoint: Boolean = false, trackingStates: Set<TrackingState> = setOf(TrackingState.TRACKING), pointOrientationModes: Set<Point.OrientationMode> = setOf(OrientationMode.ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL), planePoseInPolygon: Boolean = true, minCameraDistance: Pair<Camera, Float>? = null, predicate: (HitResult) -> Boolean? = null): List<HitResult>

Returns a list containing only elements matching the given parameters and predicate.

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fun List<HitResult>.findByType(planeTypes: Set<Plane.Type> = setOf(), point: Boolean = false, depthPoint: Boolean = false, instantPlacementPoint: Boolean = false, trackingStates: Set<TrackingState> = setOf(TrackingState.TRACKING), pointOrientationModes: Set<Point.OrientationMode> = setOf(OrientationMode.ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL), planePoseInPolygon: Boolean = true, minCameraDistance: Pair<Camera, Float>? = null, predicate: (HitResult) -> Boolean? = null): HitResult?

Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null if element was not found.

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fun List<HitResult>.firstByTypeOrNull(planeTypes: Set<Plane.Type> = setOf(), point: Boolean = false, depthPoint: Boolean = false, instantPlacementPoint: Boolean = false, trackingStates: Set<TrackingState> = setOf(TrackingState.TRACKING), pointOrientationModes: Set<Point.OrientationMode> = setOf(OrientationMode.ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL), planePoseInPolygon: Boolean = true, minCameraDistance: Pair<Camera, Float>? = null, predicate: (HitResult) -> Boolean? = null): HitResult?

Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null if element was not found.

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fun Frame.fps(other: Frame?): Double
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fun Camera.getProjectionTransform(near: Float, far: Float): Mat4
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fun Frame.getUpdatedAugmentedFaces(): MutableCollection<AugmentedFace>

Retrieve the frame tracked Augmented Faces.

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fun Frame.getUpdatedAugmentedImages(): MutableCollection<AugmentedImage>

Retrieve the frame tracked Augmented Images.

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Retrieve the frame tracked Planes.

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fun Frame.getUpdatedStreetscapeGeometries(): MutableCollection<StreetscapeGeometry>

Retrieve the frame tracked Streetscape Geometries.

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fun Frame.getUpdatedTrackables(): MutableCollection<Trackable>

Retrieve all the frame tracked Planes.

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inline fun <T : Trackable> Frame.hasUpdatedTrackable(trackable: T): MutableCollection<T>

Retrieve all the frame tracked Planes.

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fun Frame.hitTest(ray: Ray): List<HitResult>

Similar to Frame.hitTest, but takes an arbitrary ray in world space coordinates instead of a screen-space point.

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fun Frame.intervalSeconds(other: Frame?): Double
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Retrieve if the frame is currently tracking a plane.

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fun HitResult.isValid(planeTypes: Set<Plane.Type> = Plane.Type.values().toSet(), point: Boolean = true, depthPoint: Boolean = true, instantPlacementPoint: Boolean = true, trackingStates: Set<TrackingState> = setOf(TrackingState.TRACKING), pointOrientationModes: Set<Point.OrientationMode> = setOf(OrientationMode.ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL), planePoseInPolygon: Boolean = true, minCameraDistance: Pair<Camera, Float>? = null, predicate: (HitResult) -> Boolean? = null): Boolean

Check for hit results first valid on provided criteria.