
fun HitResult.isValid(planeTypes: Set<Plane.Type> = Plane.Type.values().toSet(), point: Boolean = true, depthPoint: Boolean = true, instantPlacementPoint: Boolean = true, trackingStates: Set<TrackingState> = setOf(TrackingState.TRACKING), pointOrientationModes: Set<Point.OrientationMode> = setOf(OrientationMode.ESTIMATED_SURFACE_NORMAL), planePoseInPolygon: Boolean = true, minCameraDistance: Pair<Camera, Float>? = null, predicate: (HitResult) -> Boolean? = null): Boolean

Check for hit results first valid on provided criteria.

Significant geometric leeway is given when returning hit results. For example, a plane hit may be generated if the ray came close, but did not actually hit within the plane extents or plane bounds Plane.isPoseInExtents and Plane.isPoseInPolygon can be used to determine these cases).