Package-level declarations
Changes whether or not the renderable casts shadows.
Changes whether or not the renderable can receive shadows.
Changes the material instances binding for the given primitives.
Gets the immutable number of primitives in the renderables.
Deferred renderable loading is a non-blocking cancellable future.
Attaches the given skin to the given node, which must have an associated mesh with BONE_INDICES and BONE_WEIGHTS attributes.
Awaits for loading a Renderable with the parameters of the builder without blocking a thread.
Load a Renderable in a coroutine scope without blocking a thread.
Attaches the given skin to the given node, which must have an associated mesh with BONE_INDICES and BONE_WEIGHTS attributes.
Changes the drawing order for blended primitives.
Changes whether or not frustum culling is on.
Changes whether the blend order is global or local to this Renderable (by default).
Changes the visibility bits.
Updates the vertex morphing weights on a renderable, all zeroes by default.
Changes the coarse-level draw ordering.
Changes whether or not the renderable can use screen-space contact shadows.