
A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset of rotation-related events.

This implements all methods in OnRotateListener but does nothing. OnRotateListener.onRotate returns false so that a subclass can retrieve the accumulated rotation factor in an overridden OnRotateListener.onRotateEnd. OnRotateListener.onRotateBegin returns true.



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open override fun onRotate(detector: RotateGestureDetector, e: MotionEvent): Boolean

Responds to rotating events for a gesture in progress.

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open override fun onRotateBegin(detector: RotateGestureDetector, e: MotionEvent): Boolean

Responds to the beginning of a scaling gesture.

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open override fun onRotateEnd(detector: RotateGestureDetector, e: MotionEvent)

Responds to the end of a scale gesture.