Class Scene

  • public class Scene
    extends NodeParent
    The Sceneform Scene maintains the scene graph, a hierarchical organization of a scene's content. A scene can have zero or more child nodes and each node can have zero or more child nodes.

    The Scene also provides hit testing, a way to detect which node is touched by a MotionEvent or Ray.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Scene

        public Scene​(SceneView view)
        Create a scene with the given context.
    • Method Detail

      • getView

        public SceneView getView()
        Returns the SceneView used to create the scene.
      • getCamera

        public Camera getCamera()
        Get the camera that is used to render the scene. The camera is a type of node.
        the camera used to render the scene
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
      • setOnTouchListener

        public void setOnTouchListener​(@Nullable
                                       Scene.OnTouchListener onTouchListener)
        Register a callback to be invoked when the scene is touched. The callback will be invoked after the touch event is dispatched to the nodes in the scene if no node consumed the event. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which case HitTestResult.getNode() will be null.
        onTouchListener - the touch listener to attach
      • addOnPeekTouchListener

        public void addOnPeekTouchListener​(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)
        Adds a listener that will be called before the Scene.OnTouchListener is invoked. This is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion events dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which case HitTestResult.getNode() will be null. The listeners will be called in the order in which they were added.
        onPeekTouchListener - the peek touch listener to add
      • removeOnPeekTouchListener

        public void removeOnPeekTouchListener​(Scene.OnPeekTouchListener onPeekTouchListener)
        Removes a listener that will be called before the Scene.OnTouchListener is invoked. This is invoked even if the gesture was consumed, making it possible to observe all motion events dispatched to the scene. This is called even if the touch is not over a node, in which case HitTestResult.getNode() will be null.
        onPeekTouchListener - the peek touch listener to remove
      • addOnUpdateListener

        public void addOnUpdateListener​(Scene.OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener)
        Adds a listener that will be called once per frame immediately before the Scene is updated. The listeners will be called in the order in which they were added.
        onUpdateListener - the update listener to add
      • removeOnUpdateListener

        public void removeOnUpdateListener​(Scene.OnUpdateListener onUpdateListener)
        Removes a listener that will be called once per frame immediately before the Scene is updated.
        onUpdateListener - the update listener to remove
      • onAddChild

        public void onAddChild​(Node child)
      • onRemoveChild

        public void onRemoveChild​(Node child)
      • hitTest

        public HitTestResult hitTest​(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent,
                                     boolean onlySelectableNodes)
        Tests to see if a motion event is touching any nodes within the scene, based on a ray hit test whose origin is the screen position of the motion event, and outputs a HitTestResult containing the node closest to the screen.
        motionEvent - the motion event to use for the test
        onlySelectableNodes - Filter the HitTestResult on only selectable nodes
        the result includes the first node that was hit by the motion event (may be null), and information about where the motion event hit the node in world-space
      • hitTest

        public HitTestResult hitTest​(Ray ray,
                                     boolean onlySelectableNodes)
        Tests to see if a ray is hitting any nodes within the scene and outputs a HitTestResult containing the node closest to the ray origin that intersects with the ray.
        ray - the ray to use for the test
        onlySelectableNodes - Filter the HitTestResult on only selectable nodes
        the result includes the first node that was hit by the ray (may be null), and information about where the ray hit the node in world-space
        See Also:
        Camera.screenPointToRay(float, float)
      • hitTestAll

        public java.util.ArrayList<HitTestResult> hitTestAll​(android.view.MotionEvent motionEvent)
        Tests to see if a motion event is touching any nodes within the scene and returns a list of HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
        motionEvent - The motion event to use for the test.
        Populated with a HitTestResult for each node that was hit sorted by distance. Empty if no nodes were hit.
      • hitTestAll

        public java.util.ArrayList<HitTestResult> hitTestAll​(Ray ray)
        Tests to see if a ray is hitting any nodes within the scene and returns a list of HitTestResults containing all of the nodes that were hit, sorted by distance.
        ray - The ray to use for the test.
        Populated with a HitTestResult for each node that was hit sorted by distance. Empty if no nodes were hit.
        See Also:
        Camera.screenPointToRay(float, float)
      • overlapTest

        public Node overlapTest​(Node node)
        Tests to see if the given node's collision shape overlaps the collision shape of any other nodes in the scene using Node.getCollisionShape(). The node used for testing does not need to be active.
        node - The node to use for the test.
        A node that is overlapping the test node. If no node is overlapping the test node, then this is null. If multiple nodes are overlapping the test node, then this could be any of them.
        See Also:
      • overlapTestAll

        public java.util.ArrayList<Node> overlapTestAll​(Node node)
        Tests to see if a node is overlapping any other nodes within the scene using Node.getCollisionShape(). The node used for testing does not need to be active.
        node - The node to use for the test.
        A list of all nodes that are overlapping the test node. If no node is overlapping the test node, then the list is empty.
        See Also:
      • getRenderer

        public Renderer getRenderer()
        Returns the renderer used for this scene, or null if the renderer is not setup.